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Westleigh House

Westleigh House is a home to eighteen people with long term mental health support needs. For many, this can be home for a number of years, although for others it acts as a very successful transitional stage towards having their own home, either on their own or sharing with others. It can also be used as a location for short breaks away from a permanent home elsewhere.

Independence is encouraged through the use personalised plans and a personalisation partner. At Westleigh we support people to make their own choices and follow independent lives.

Westleigh have a highly trained team of staff and who work in close consultation with local specialist and health professionals, to ensure the service is as specialised and tailored to the individual as it can possibly be.


Each person that lives at Westleigh House has their own bedroom and shares communal facilities for cooking, dining, personal care, relaxing and pursuing home based leisure as well as enjoying the shared use of the very spacious gardens which include a greenhouse and vegetable patch in which we work in partnership with Walton Lea Project to develop gardening and vocational skills.


Many residents independently take part in activity and enjoy local community facilities we encourage and support residents to be active citizens within their own community. Although independence is encouraged, if required the staff at Westleigh can accompany and support residents to enjoy activities that are important to them such as meeting and visiting friends and family, going to the pub, the cinema or shops, or engaging in work or learning activities.

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